Assalamualaikum and Happy Fasting to all Muslims in the world who drop by to our very humble blogshop!
Ok, this post might be a wee bit to late but hey, it's still our most awaited Ramadhan right?
Ok, this post might be a wee bit to late but hey, it's still our most awaited Ramadhan right?
Be it just a regular person, a pregnant mommy expecting your bundle of joy or maybe a busy bee of bride/groom-to-be, Catalyst will provides you with all the nutrient you need to keep your health in its best state.
"Really? How?"
"Fasting only makes me hungry and tired."
Whoops! Actually, that's not it. Really!
Fasting is not an exception to not get healthy. Rather, fasting IS the way for you to get healthy, the natural way.
Fasting actually detoxifies your body from any unwanted toxic, giving your organs the time to rest and regulates your metabolism rates. Fasting also rejuvenate and regenerate your cells, giving you the natural radiant skin and increase your immune system level due to the natural body therapy.
From the author of "Why Fast"; Allan Mott, MD. Says that fasting helps your body to;
- To feel better physically and mentally
- To look and feel younger
- To clean out the body
- To lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels
- To get more out of sex
- To let the body heal itself
- To relieve tension
- To sharpen our senses
- To gain control of oneself
- To slow the aging process
Other than that, another research done by
Dr. Yuri Nikolayev, a Director of Dietary Department in Moscow, said that fasting as one of the most remarkable discovery of our time as it has:
"The ability to to make oneself younger physically, mentally and spiritually through rational fasting"
Did you know there's a fasting center in the US? Oh yes there is. The Fultonia Health & Fasting Institute was founded by the famous Dr. Alvenia M. Fulton N.D., Ph.D who believes that fasting is therapeutic for the body as well as:
Ladies' best beautifier. It brings grace charm and poice, normalizes female functions and reshapes the body contour
Plato and Philippus Paracelsus also agrees that
Fasting is the best remedy for physical and mental illness.
So yeah, why not we get healthy during this blessed month of Ramadhan with Catalyst too?
From Catalyst, there's nothing but the best from our Mother Nature.
You want to make the most of your fasting month yet maintain to best energy level?
Then this is the place for you.
Catalyst Pure : The Alternative Ways to Your Wellness
Catalyst Virgin Coconut Oil
To be consumed 1 tbl spoon a day or 2 capsule once a day.
Before or after food.
Our Catalyst Virgin Coconut Oil is totally natural and give your body an instant energy boost that will last the whole day.
With only a bottle of 60 soft gel capsule, it is the perfect fasting-month essential and wholesome functional food.
Catalyst Collagen
15 Sachets of natural and organic ingredient.
Pour one sachet into your mouth or under your tongue for more rapid uptake,
Let it melt and sip it slowly before drinking a glass of warm water or fruit juice for more effectiveness.
Glowing, moist skin? Yep! That can be yours with the help of Catalyst Collagen!
ps. You will see the difference within just one week!*
Other product?
Or let's try our latest-in-the-market products!
Catalyst Vita Men
Catalyst Vita Femme
Catalyst Mexoria
(Whoopsie daisy! Details for this awesome product are sure to be uploaded in the next entry!
I promise! *wink!)
To order, simply fill up the order form, here!
For any enquiry, feel free to ask us!
SS Catalyst: Providing the best of Catalyst™ to you.
019-7013181 (Syahira Shukri)
013-7975339 (Syahreen Samsuri)
For any enquiry, feel free to ask us!
SS Catalyst: Providing the best of Catalyst™ to you.
019-7013181 (Syahira Shukri)
013-7975339 (Syahreen Samsuri)